The world of music making is full of esoteric words, phrases, acronyms and abbreviations, some of the more frequently used ones are explained here. ADSR envelope – Acronym. For ‘Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release’, the four parts of a waveform. Essential to understand if you want to not only sample or play sounds as they are, but also manipulate and tailor sounds from drum hits through to synthesizers: Attack time, the time of the initial increase from zero to peak, starting from the key being pressed. Decay time, the time taken for the following decrease from attack to the sustain level. Sustain level, the level of the main sequence of the sound’s duration, this is until the key is released. Release time, the time taken to go from sustain level back to zero once the key is released. Analogue – Non digital / pre digital processes and equipment. An obvious example of analogue technology is tape. ASIO – Abv. For Audio Stream Input – Output, a very pop...