Rendering is a vital process if you ever want to listen to your music outside of your DAW. It is also a higly useful tool - albeit one you should use carefully - for cutting down CPU usage in your DAW. This article sheds a little bit of light on both uses. In this article I use the term 'track' to mean an individual item, such as an instrument, loop, or sample, sitting on it's own row in your DAW. Reasons to render number one: Listen to your tunes wherever you want As you progress at music making, a good habit to get into is listening to your tunes outside of your DAW as well as inside it, so you can get a feel for how your tune might sound to other people. Should you wish some day to upload your tunes to a site such as Bandcamp or Soundcloud, or give CD's to friends or fellow musicians, the quicker you appreciate just how different your music sounds in different formats, in different systems, in different acoustic environments, the q...