Japanese Multimedia Art Duo Make a Great First Impression with Their Mix of Industrial, Trap and Operatic Pop The Theory For Our Revenge are COLD FAITH and Jhas; a Japanese music production, fashion stylist and visual art duo The following is a paid for review and post, via humanhuman. 'humanhuman.com: A bunch of music professionals and enthusiasts unearthing the most promising new music.' The artist has asked for the review to be posted and promoted on thenewbeatmaker.com. To have your music reviewed - privately unless explicitly stated - by me please visit my humanhuman page: https://humanhuman.com/users/LeeTNB It is always an honour and a pleasure to receive new music to check out and review; especially when it's as enjoyable a listening experience as this first offering from The Theory For Our Revenge is. The Theory For Our Revenge are COLD FAITH and Jhas; a Japanese music production, fashion stylist and visual art duo. Thei...