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Showing posts from August, 2013

‘The 4 Element Synth: The secrets of Subtractive Synthesis’ Review - a Gorgous and Highly Helpful Instant Classic

This Indispensable Guide to the Science of Synthesis is an Instant Classic The world of synthesizers is one loaded with esoteric words and phrases which can easily intimidate the new musician.  With such a wide number of synths, both hard and soft, filled with scary-looking dials and settings and a myriad of features and capabilities, how does one get to grips with the fundamentals of how they work?  And how does the new musician (or at least, the musician new to synths) find out just what makes the sound they hear in their minds or on their favourite tracks? Fear not, help is at hand, in the form of the book and DVD pack ‘The 4 Element Synth: The secrets of Subtractive Synthesis’ by Rob Papen. Rob Papen is a world-renowned sound designer, with Predator , Punch and Blade being just three of his industry-standard creations. In 2001 Rob began teaching masterclasses in his Netherlands studio.  Through these classes Rob developed his personal method of teaching...